Gotland sheep are one of the major breeds in Sweden and ancestors to the ancient Goth, Gute and Gutefar breeds. Gotland wool is very wavy, lustrous and dense. Unlike many longwools, it can be surprisingly soft and worn next to the skin, it can also felt easily, so be careful. Fleeces range from 5.5 to 11 lbs and a staple length of 3 - 7" (with the shorter staples coming from sheep shorn twice a year). Lambs have a much finer fleece where the adults average from 27 - 34 microns. This wool is often compared to mohair as it shares many of the same qualities such as its silky handle, and lustre. Flick or comb these locks. Gotland prefers to spin finer yarns rather than bulky. Finished yarns might feel heavier than expected but this will add a nice drape to your projects. Gotland sheep are mostly grey but can also be black, silver and charcoal. The lighter greys take dye well. |
Staple Length and WavesJust like shiny springs, Gotland fleeces are highly lustrous and very wavy.
Magical QualitiesI read in the Fleece and Fibre Sourcebook that in The Lord of the Rings movie, the Elves' cloaks were woven with Gotland wool because its "shiny springs" gave the cloaks a shimmer which made them look that much more magical. This combined with the amazing drape, silkiness, colour and durability of Gotland wool, made it the perfect choice for such an important garment in the movies. Now how cool is that?!