Jeremy and I had SUCH a great time at the Manitoba Fibre Festival this past weekend. From meeting new people, teaching fun classes and seeing old friends, Winnipeg was the place to be. Since I was teaching during the set up, Jeremy was in charge of getting my booth up and running. He is my main man when it comes to shows as he supports me in all aspects.
The Flatlands Collection was available for all to see and I was happy to see that Aura was so well represented. Thank you to all who purchased kits and patterns. Ally and I still have a couple more if you are interested! I was SO looking forward to being able to wear my Aura for the first time at the end of the festival. I have plans to knit another. I also got lots done on my Liplatus shawl with some of Ally's yarn as well.... just a few more rows to go! Of course I had to make a stop at Wolseley Wool as well. They have a superb selection Some knitting time at Baked Expectations (a must see) Thank you to everyone who came to the festival, supported us all and continue to. You are what make all the difference. I appreciate you all and can’t wait for next year! My treasures from the festival: Flatlanders Soap, Raiment Resource, Natural Knot Woods, Feet of Clay, Hilori's Magical Yarnorium, Wolseley Wool, Mandyz Moon. There was soooooo much more I wanted <3 SO many amazing artists. Manitoba Basset Walk 2017Jeremy and I were invited to attend the Manitoba Basset Walk (#mbw17) as we have been meaning to go for the past few years now. As some of you may know, we have a basset hound named Jenny, and meeting other basset owners and seeing their dogs is something we love to do. They are all so different yet all the same haha. There were even 2 basset puppies that were adorable! We adopted Jenny when she was 2 so we never got to see her extra-long ears hanging from her domed head as a baby. We had a great time petting every dog and soaking up the drool. There are a couple basset rescues that raise funds for other dogs in need. You should have seen the great prizes! We are trying to plan next year to bring Jenny so she can do the walk with her as we really wish she could have been with us. She was sleeping over at the best friend Harley’s house and this is the state she was in while we were away…. That’s our girl, classy all the way but look at that smile. She is always pretty tired out from having fun with Harley but was excited to see us when we got home.
If you are like me, lists are one of your favourite things. In my Midori Traveler's Notebook, have a list of items I usually pack for shows, classes and road trips. These are all very important items as a fibre worker, because there is nothing worse than being unprepared. For starters, I usually bring at least one knitting and one crochet project. Something that is easy enough to work on while talking to others, singing along to the radio and easy enough to pick up and put down without losing your place. Socks are always a great option. Since fall is around the corner, I am on a shawl kick and have decided to crochet Blurre. I have picked a few skeins and wound them into balls (very important) to prepare. I make sure I have a few hooks on hand in case my gauge is out. I am also really wanting to use a skein I bought from Dye for Ewe at the Blue Hills Fibre Fest. I decided to start Liplatus. I think it will show off the yarn beautifully and I can always adjust as I go. Both of these projects are in their own bags which I bought from Dragon Fibre Bags (who will also be at the Manitoba Fibre Festival!) Make sure you have a pair of scissors and all the appropriate notions as well. If you have any WIP's these are also great road trip projects to get them finished and off your needles.
This should have me covered. Of course, there will be souvenir yarn and fibre purchased, as well as a few tools I'm sure. What do you bring on a road trip? Am I missing anything?
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August 2023